Study trips

Study trips – Individuals

The application has to meet the following criteria:

  • the applicant is a student in the field of theology or reformed philosophy or an active pastor in one of the Protestant churches
  • it concerns a study tour with a clear and relevant study focus
  • the general criteria are met
  • is supplemented by the following documents:
    • a completed CV-form
    • a detailed description of the place/country to be visited and the objective as well as provisional programme of the study trip
    • a recommendation letter from a university lecturer (for student study trips only)
    • a cost calculation (including the cost of tavel)
    • an overview of the projected income and expenditure (including contributions from yourself and from other institutions/foundations)

Study trips – Groups

It is also possible to apply for group tours as it concerns students in the field of theology or reformed or christian philosophy. The application has to meet the following criteria:

  • the applicants are students in the field of theology or reformed philosophy at a Dutch University
  • the study tour is serving a clear educational purpose
  • the study tour should be co-organized/or supported by teachers at the universities concerned
  • the following documentats are provided:
    • an application letter
    • a completed CV-form by one of the group members
    • a detailed description of the places/country to be visited and the objective as well as provisional programme of the study trip
    • a recommendation letter from a university lecturer in the field of and working at the University concerned
    • a cost calculation (including the cost of travel)
    • an overview of the projected income and expenditure (including contributions from the participants and from other institutions/foundations)

Only complete applications, with application form (.rtf file), will be dealt with by the board.