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Koenraad van BarenStichting Zonneweelde was founded on 2 September 1935. Christian Labour Unionist Koenraad van Baaren through this foundation wanted to establish and run one or more Christian homes for the elderly; housing, caring and nursing them. Those days a social welfare state organised and financed by the government was non existent. Churches and private (Christian) initiatives almost exclusively took care of those tasks.

During the sixties this task gradually became less necessary because of the rise of the welfare state and the introduction of state pension. It was with the active involvement of industrialist Hendricus Johnnes (Harry) Bonda, founder of the Provimi company, that the aim of the foundation changed into a Protestant support fund for theology and reformed philosophy. Mr. Bonda also initiated the Stichting Rotterdam.

Harry Bonda
A comprehensive history (in Dutch) has been written in the book ‘Stichting Zonneweelde 1935-2010; 75 years of Protestant Christian support’. Those interested to read can receive a copy from the administrator.
